

Screencasting is a great tool to help in the classroom. The tool I was assigned was not necessarily screencasting but rather screenshotting. Which I found a lot less useful. However, for normal screencasting, there can be a lot of uses! One particular use is making videos for substitute teachers. You can make the video beforehand and show it during class instead of making the sub come up with something. I think it’s very useful if you are going to be away from the classroom but still need to show examples of your curriculum! Overall, screencasting can be used for certain situations, but not all of them! The beautiful creation I made in my screenshot app is hereThis is a link to the app itself. Happy casting!

3D Printing

Today I printed out a sorting hat from Harry Potter with a 3D printer!image_01The hat turned out much better than I was expecting, and I can’t wait to print out more. Since this hat is white and not hat-colored, I plan on painting it to be more hat like!

Content Curation

Have you ever read something in an old book that you thought was super interesting and unique, but it was so out of date that anyone you showed it to wouldn’t take it seriously? That’s what content curation is for! Content Curation is diving into your field and finding unique and special information and turning transforming it into formats most available for anyone.

Some websites or apps that are especially useful in this realm are EduClipperPinterest, and Evernote.  Educlipper is super interactive with all kinds of platforms and peoples. It connects with google and dropbox, you can upload videos to share with other faculty members, and also upload assignments for your students. Pinterest is great because it is already so well known that it may be a part of people’s lives already. Evernote is useful because it is known for its functionality across all platforms such as a tablet or phone. Any notes you make on your phone will be automatically saved on your tablet!

All of these websites can help you be the best content curator in the business!

Content Curation Definition sites:


Today i did some research on a concept called 20Time. It’s the idea that takes 20% of class time to devote to the students for them to work on a project of their choosing. This project can be anything the student wants! It can be creating a short film how to raise a cow, or writing a graphic novel about why planned parenthood is important, or when the most exciting concert was in history and how to make another great one; it’s completely up to the students and what they want to do with their time.

The reason this idea is so amazing is because not only is it a break from the monotony of class, but it’s a break that the students are choosing themselves. It takes pressure off of a teacher, it encourages creative thinking, and it gives something to look forward to in class. It’s an idea I would love to incorporate into my class one day, and I probably will!

Here are some links to check out this cool concept: